
lunedì 2 aprile 2007

Ipse dixit [4]

Interessante intervista al Barbuto sul bel sito PanelToPanel. Peccato che Moore (ma forse l'intervistatore ha travisato nella trascrizione?) dica che Crepax si chiavama Peter! Anche lui è umano, no? ;)
Nel seguito, un estratto. Ah, la foto che "abbellisce" il post è tratta dal blog di Eddie Campbell (consigliatissimo).

JED: In Lost Girls, there is an ode to Decadence that we are to become Decadents through opium.
One of my favorite periods is the literature of the Decadents. The 1890s were a marvelous time for artwork and for literature. My favorite writers are Decadent writers. There is certainly a lot of that influence in Lost Girls. I don’t think we actually have anybody swigging absinthe, but the other major Decadent drugs are present. We’ve got the swirling art nouveau and the references to Decadent writers like Pierre Louÿs and Decadent artists such as Beardsley. The 1890s are a tremendous influence on Lost Girls. Melinda and I were talking the other day, with hindsight again, its very easy to see the Lost Girls as being created by a couple of survivors of the 1960s, that it has got a transparently hippie agenda. If you look at it, it’s got a lot of flare, its got lots of art nouveau stylings, just as the 1960s art had a lot of art nouveau stylings, it’s got characters from children’s fiction like Alice in Wonderland, or The Wizard of Oz, which were very big icons during the 60's. It’s got a fairly liberal attitude towards drugs, in the more opiated sequences, which tend toward the more psychedelic, and if it’s not got sex, drugs and rock and roll, it’s got sex, drugs and Stravinsky. It’s also got a very powerful “make love not war” message. The 1890s and Decadents were a huge influence on Lost Girls, but I think the 1960s, and the popular decadence that happened then, was also a very big influence.

2 commenti:

  1. Si ok, non potevi tradurla per gli inculturati?


    Un saluto pioviginoso...


  2. gran bel blog, complimenti. e grazie per la segnalazione del grande Moore


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