Jim Shooter is back! Di nuovo, dirà qualcuno... cmq, si appresta a lanciare una nuova serie, Seven, e sui comics dichiara qui:
In the early '80s the industry was recovering from a near-death experience in the late '70s. Nowadays, it's recovering from a near-death experience in the late '90s. This time, I think the industry has finally broken through into the mainstream of American culture—witness the number of comics-based major movies. This is the American art form, after all. We invented it.
Contento lui, contenti tutti! No?
In the early '80s the industry was recovering from a near-death experience in the late '70s. Nowadays, it's recovering from a near-death experience in the late '90s. This time, I think the industry has finally broken through into the mainstream of American culture—witness the number of comics-based major movies. This is the American art form, after all. We invented it.
Contento lui, contenti tutti! No?
Io non sottovaluterei il peso che Shooter ha avuto nel periodo in cui è stato alla Marvel.
RispondiEliminaConcordo. Il momento migliore che la Marvel abbia mai vissuto.
RispondiEliminaQuando gli editors facevano il proprio lavoro...